I just finish my 1st batch of cookies selling, thanks to my friend's support. It is not easy indeed but there is a feeling of satisfaction. During the weekend, I tried a new ingredient for my cashew apple cookies. Sad to say I am a lazy person, I will use the ingredient that saves time and easier to handle. Hmmm…. Maybe Banana will be a good choice, no need to wash, remove skin with equipment and cut. So I just soak the cashew and blend it up 1st in the blender then added in the banana one by one. Mix in the raisins and throw them in the dehydrator to dry up. I don’t bother to shape them up as it is for testing only. After a few hours, a fragrance smell lingered in my kitchen…. Woah, I sniffed around and it was from my BANANA COOKIE, so nice. I can’t wait to eat them. The taste turned out GREAT but the image a bit ARhhhhhh… like … you know lah… I planned to improve on that before I posted any photo on the blog. You can try them yourself, if you have better ingredient, let me know.