Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Running after TIME

Hello Everybody, meeting people and changing of life schedule makes me learn and experience things. I had been working for 13 years, stopping and having new identity makes me have a different thinking and experience in life. A lot of things I have around me had been blinded by my busy schedule in work and tasks at home. I never see them and took for granted.... Until I stopped and looked around me and cherished, to be aware and next is to take action!
Please don't ignore what is there for you and when one day, it is gone, regret is of no use....

I had a wonderful 1 Aug 10 at Siok Khoon's house attending a gathering with lots of mummies
and kids and of course friends who are same minded, wanted to have a better life. There are lots of good sharing, I love best is our friend, LINDA, who is so amazing. So brave and make the best for her newborn son! She actually went through home birth without any drugs!!!! I don't think I can. And friends who went through 21 days of fasting, that is a great perservance, well done! The food are simply GREAT! I can eat wholeheartedly without any guilt or restraint, I just love Siok Khoon's mum's food preparation. Healthy and finger licking GOOD. Hurray for Hsiao Kee who makes this happen, yeah!

Through this meeting, I have heard from mums that they have no time to prepare their lunch. They would love to have good meal but despite of our busy schedule and precious time for resting, they would simply grab any fast food to fill our tummy. This I truly understand. But without a good food, it will affect our milk supply quality and in long term ---> HEALTH. For breastfeed mum, what we eat will goes to the baby, they will eat what we are eating. I heard that my friend is eating instant noodles for her meal, or just grab some fruits for lunch. From this, I would like to share how I prepare and take my meal with the minimum time everyday. We have to be healthy and filled with energy before we can take care of our children. If we are down, our children and family members suffers.

For breakfast, I mouth juice 3 oranges, save time, no need to juice and wash machine.
I just started making carrot juice for my son, I used SONA centrifugal juicer. Although not as recommended as masticating juicer but to save time, this is the best. I only have 4 parts to wash and it took me 5 mins to wash my juicer and the juicer costed me $29 only.
Mid morning, I will take smoothie with my son, the blending and washing only takes me 5 mins.

I took salad(corn, turnip, cucumber, purple cabbage, tomato, alfafa sprouts, lettuce)
+ cooked food (whatever my son is eating).

Questions : When, where, what, how?

I prepare the salad at night after my son sleeps, I have attached a video, showing the process of preparing my salad. It only took me 10mins for everything.
When you want to eat during noon time, just add liquid amino, agave nectar, nutritional yeast and basil. Mix them up and munch munch...

1) Wash a potato and throw in the oven to cook for 30 mins and BINGO, nice, soft, steaming potato is on the way. You can mix with wakame flakes for taste and nutrition. I feed my son with this and some of my raw corn. Or cut the potato into wedges and bake them.

2) Or you can boiled a pot of water, add liquid amino and throw in some broccoli or califlower. It took me 10 mins. My son loves broccoli.
3) Or bake some sweet potato, only took me 1 min to wash and 30 mins to bake without supervision.

Slow cooker is my friend for dinner. My husband will be home for dinner and he would prefer hot food. So I will cut some vegetables and throw in the pot 3 hours in advance. It only took me 15mins to wash and cut the vegetables and just leave the cooker on. Add some mee fen or noodle and seasoning in the pot when the dinner is about to start, it only took about 10~15mins to soften the noodle. If porridge is prefered, brown rice can be added with the vegetables.

I don't have to supervise the fire with the slow cooker, oven or rice cooker. Thermo pot is another good equipment, it is energy saving according to my friend's feedback. Too bad, I have too many equipments at home and no space for more.

The END, Phew.... Wait... I need comments, if you have any good and simple recipes to share with me, please drop me a comment or any thing you want to add in. Thanks in advance.

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