Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carob Chocolate Creation

I always had my Cadbury almond chocolate in my bag during my poly time. I would pop some in my mouth and pass around when we were sleepy in class. Or when we studied for exam, we would buy a few packs of chocolate and tibits to eat while we study. Those were the days..... People will brag about the goodness of chocolate, saying that it will help to de stress. Until one day, I know that it contain caffeine and lots of fats and sugar, I reduce my intake to occasional treats. I only started to learn to read the product ingredient when I am in my 20's. I hardly care when I am in my teens.

Until now I still cannot get over the chocolate thingy... I screw my head into using Carob powder to replace. The taste is not so appealing for my husband, it is quite powdery and dry with carob alone and the taste is REALLY Carob only loh... One night, after feeding my son night feed, something came in my mind. Why not use up the almond powder I had? Anyway my son does not like it and I am trying to finish it up. I wake up in the middle of the night, making the carob chocolate at 3am!!! And it works. I am so excited and start making other creation for the next few days and weeks. Here they are as presented below:

1) Carob Nut Egg

2 tbp carob powder
2 tbp almond powder
(may not be healthy for your version, you may process your own nut powder instead)

agave nectar (estimate to your own sweetness)
a few drops of rice milk/any liquid
coconut oil
macadamia nuts

Mix the dry ingredient up first then stir in agave nectar, you will left with a bit of powder stick to the side, add liquid to mix well. Not too much liquid, add enough to have all the powder stirred into the mixture. It will be very thick and hard to stir. Wet your hand with coconut oil, grab some mixture and add one nut in and roll it into a ball and that's it. Do the same with the rest until all done. Place in frezzer / fridge to set.

2) Chocolate Fonte

Same ingredient as above without the nuts. But you need to add more rice milk to make a more watery consistency. My son took the kiwi which he usually don't take them. Thanks to the dip that cover the sour taste of the kiwi.

3) Use the leftover from nut milk

I make nut milk for my son everyday. After blending almonds with dates and water, I will filter and feed my son with the milk. The leftover will be throw away to the drain, I find it wasteful sometimes. Now I try to collect it in a bowl and at the end of the day, I will make my nutty carob snacks.

3a) Golden Pillow

Dry your leftover as much as possible. Add in 1:1 carob powder and almond powder until it has thick consistency then add in the coarsely chopped brazil nuts/macadamia nuts. Roll them into pillow shape and coat it with sesame seeds. Place in frezzer / fridge to set.

3b) Carob version of Nutella

Just mix 1:1 carob powder and almond powder into the leftover until it has creamy consistency. Place in fridge to set.

3c) Carob chocolaty melt

Just mix 1:1 carob powder and almond powder into the leftover until the mixture cannot take in any more powder. Mold them up and drizzle Agave Nectar+Almond powder sauce on it. Place in frezzer / fridge to set.